Friday, April 14, 2006

Happy Easter Everyone!

Just wanted to take a second and wish all family and friends who vistit our site a Happy Easter. Safe travels to all. We are going to be heading to Indiana for the weekend to visit Aunt Emily and Uncle Nate on Friday then we are off to Grandma and Grandpa Leitchs for an easter egg hunt with Uncle Brian and Cousin McKaya. This is Jareds first Easter hunting for eggs, so we'll see how long it takes him to figure it out. On the other hand..... while everyone is enjoying their wonderful meals and watching the kids run around to see what that big bunny left for them, don't forget to stop and take a minute to talk about what Easter is really about. A truely wonderful day and it is because of this day that we receive a truely wonderful eternity. Happy Easter Everyone! Love The Leitchs

New Puppy Macy

Macy is about twice as big now,but I love this picture of her. This is when she is on her best behavior(sleeping). She is potty training very well, it is nice that I can be home to work on this with her. We have had some accidents but all in all she is doing a good job! Jared likes her better when she is sleeping.........otherwise she is chewing on him and it makes him pretty mad. They are going to be great friends, Jared won't remember life without her. Ebony(cat) is very glad to have another 4 legged friend in the house. We thought he was going to be mad at us but turns out he kinda likes her. He just doesn't like it when she eats is food or bites his big fluffy tail. Well thats Macy........she is a fine addition to the Leitch household.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Jared and his chair

Here he is! Our grown up little boy. This is his new favorite spot to sit, on his very own rocking chair.


I now it has been a while and I know I have said this before but I am going to really try to keep this thing up to date. I am going to post some new pictures of Jared (who is now 15 months old) and our new family member Macy(golden retriever puppy). Thanks for checking back.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

We are Back

I know I have said this before but I am truely going to try harder to keep this thing up to date. We had quite a bit of down time but I am going to try really hard to not slack off.


Jared is doing great , he is now almost 15 months old!!! I know time flies. He is an active little boy. He started walking at 10 months so he is now in the running phase, he keeps me on my toes thats for sure. He is not a big talker yet. He has focused all his energy on physical activity. He does say a few words......DaDa, ball, down, done thats about it. No your not didn't see MaMa on there. For some reason Jeff and I are both DaDa! Go Figure!!!

We have also added a new family member....... a puppy! Her name is Macy and she is a golden retriever. So far she is doing well in her new home. We have only had her for a few days. I will try and get some pictures of her up here.

Well I say that is good for now. Keep checking in on us. I think you will be surprised this till, I am really going to stick with this.