Monday, January 31, 2005

Technical Difficulties

Thank you to those of you who have been stopping by in hopes to see what has been going on with our family. We must appologize for not updating more frequently with stories and pictures. Unfortunately our internet connection is not working well and we are in the process of fixing it. However until then stay posted and we'll hopefully have the Leitch Family Blog up and running again in no time.
Since you're already here...Jared is doing well. He is gaining a little weight, he is about 7 lbs. 4 oz. now. He is sticking to his felxible schedule of sleeping, eating, peeing, pooping and chilling...repeat as necessary ;) Anna, Jared and I have been enjoying our first 3 weeks together and continue to learn what Life is like as a small family. Thank you once again for stopping by, please continue to say hello as we fix our poor internet connection and continue to log family life on the Leitch Family Blog. Take care, we love you all.
Jeff Leitch

Friday, January 21, 2005

My first week alone

Well, I did it! Jeff went back to work this week and Jared and I had our first full week alone together. I was a little nervous at first, not having another person to take over was a scary thought. It is amazing how it feels like this is something I have been doing forever. Don't get me wrong....Everyday is something new, but it just flows! We miss Dad though, we look forward to him coming home for lunch everyday!! We are just blessed that one of us gets to stay home with the little monster:)

I am going to do my best to keep up with this log. Isn't technology great! Until next time, take care all!

The Leitch Family

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Jared's first bath Posted by Hello

Welcome to the Leitch Family Blog

Today is the first day of blogging from the Leitch Family household. The idea is to keep a written and photo journal for family & friends to see. It opens us up to the world and it lets you in. Thank you for visiting today. The 3 of us are certainly experiencing Life and would like to share it with you. And remember to stop by anytime to say hello.